fancyindexing works but not with the domaine name :-(


Verified User
Dec 30, 2003
Here I can get the directory listing:
but not here
where I get my custum "Forbidden page" for an error 403

Those two pages point to exactely the same directory. I've tried a lot of things before coming here. First I chmod the directory 777, so it should be ok to be access and listed. Since I own the server, I can change configuration files of apache. So I enabled fancyindexing for my virtual server domain ( and I also create an .htaccess file that I put in the directory I want the listing. Both method result with the forbidden page :-( It was working before when I didn't use directadmin on an other server and with the same domain name, so I guess it might be a directadmin feature that we should be able to disabled, no?

Well, if you have any idea, don't hesitate.

Thanks o lot,

OK I've succeed :-) All I had to do is replacing manually the line
Options +Includes -Indexes
Options +Includes
in the file
and if you want the change to apply to all your client, just make the same change in
and dont forget to restart apache in both case

That's it :-)


PS: If someone knows how to do this by directadmin, that would be cool. I can get to the configuration file by: Admin Panel -> Admin Settings -> Customize httpd.conf -> but then I don't know what to do :-(
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In the custom httpd.conf, you'd just add
        <Directory |DOCROOT|>
                Options +Includes +Indexes
But you'd need to *remove* those Options from the template because the |CUSTOM| token is placed above the Directory setting in the template. That would mean that Indexes would be turned on, then as apache parsed more, the default would be found and it would then be turned off. You could always move the location of the |CUSTOM| token to *after* the <Directory> stuff in the template, then it wouldn't matter.

OK thanks a lot, I moved down the |CUSTOM| token, so if a client want me to change the directory listing option, I just change his custom httpd.conf by directadmin.

seems that after this, https isn't working fine anymore.

it shows the "hey it worked" page from the standart apache install instead of the pages users put in private_html.

any idea where it could come from ?
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