FastCGI on Modern DirectAdmin


Verified User
Apr 2, 2008
New York, NY
So I am finding a lot of very old guides on how to install FastCGI on DirectAdmin, with Apache 2.x, PHP 5.x CGI, etc.

Can someone who has done this recently point me to a good guide that works on Debian 4.0?

I did just that two weeks ago on a developement box and placed it tonight in production. FastCGI+APC, perfect config, almost compatible with DA and custombuild conf overwrite.
It's very stable and worth the effort.

I'll soon create a guide, complete with some statistics and technical conclusions.

That's awesome. I would love to take part in the writing of that guide, and I can test it as well + make sure it's friendly, well designed, etc.
All you have to do is use custombuild.

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
edit options.conf how you want it
./build update
./build all d
And which option do you turn on for FastCGI exactly, besides choosing php5-cgi?
The desired effect is FastCGI + SuPHP + APC, just like tillo describes above.
php5-cgi is fastcgi

You can install suphp with ./build suphp

I never heard of apc not sure what that is.
No, php-cgi is not fastcgi. There is no fastcgi daemon, or spawned process from Apache, such as fcgi-pm. If you are running this thinking it is fastcgi you are mistaken... (And you are missing out on some great performance).
Server API: CGI/FastCGI (it doesn't mean it's working as FastCGI).
Well then why does custombuild not support fastcgi? Does anyone have a guide to get it working?
I'll explain everything in the guide :)
The main reason for which custombuild doesn't get FastCGI working (even if it actives the builtin FastCGI handler, that's what you see in phpinfo() or `php-cgi -v') is that it's pretty hard to integrate in an existing solution.

It's been 6 months since I tried FastCGI the first time, since then I've had to read a lot of very old and WRONG documentations, tutorials and manuals to make it work just as I think is the best way.

Furthermore, running FastCGI with a very special config is the only way to make a proper use of APC/XCache/eAccelerator (PHP opcode cachers) if you can't use mod_php because you use the "worker" MPM Apache2 connection handler and any PHP not-threading-safe module. If you are on mod_php/prefork, there is absolutely no need for FastCGI AFAIK.

Like I said, it's hard and I'll explain in the detail all of that.
I would love your help skaag, just added you on MSN. Let me know if you prefer AIM or Skype.
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what is buildconf override ?

is that something that'd make .htaccess work just as it did on mod_php on fcgi?
tillo im very interested to read you guide. it is long time im waiting for that.
I'm sorry about that, I'm still doing it but I'm going to be a little late.
I'm trying to fill it up with any information that could be useful to anyone, but in the meantime I've some personal things to solve.

I'm probably going to finish it for the beginning of the new year.
Hey tillo,
Any progress on your FastCGI guide? I'd love to read it if you're going to be releasing it soon so I could get a good perspective on someone who has dealt with this recently (and maybe avoid having to wade through a bunch of incomplete/old guides).
I'll make an effort and finish it, hopefully in a few days.
Sorry to keep everyone waiting, live is a bitch and it seems like lately she had to prove it to me :(
Thanks! I'm sure I speak for a lot of people when I say how much I appreciate people who take the time to share good info that saves time and frustration for everyone else. It's worth the wait.
Hey tillo, just checking again on the status of the FastCGI guide. I'm not trying to put pressure on you but maybe just trying to be a "squeaky wheel". :D
I don't mind being pushed a little :) it's on my TODO list, as always. I've got a surgery last week and I'm resting, I'm going to work on it as soon as I'm on my feets.