fatal failed reading license file error=licence: invalid


Verified User
Jan 28, 2022

i have a valid licence until Mar 19 2023 but when i try tro start directadmin it exit with error:
"fatal failed reading license file error=licence: invalid" .
"fatal failed reading license file error=open /usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key: no such file or dir"

if i manual update directadmin in ssh will work for a while (about 1 hour ) and then stops with same error.

i've tried to rewrite key file with:
echo 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' > /usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key
chmod 0600 /usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key
systemctl restart directadmin

and no success.
./getLicense.sh "LicenseKey"
./getLicense.sh "LicenseKey"

if i run

./getDA.sh current
./getLicense.sh "LicenseKey"

Work for some minutes, then i have same problem. all services work but directadmin lost licence and stop service.

ty for help
I have the same problem and tried different ways but it didn't work
Work for some minutes, then i have same problem. all services work but directadmin lost licence and stop service
os version :
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core) 64 bit
i tried with update directadmin and downgrade directadmin version but still have problem

i checked /usr/local/directadmin/conf/license.key file after some minutes it is empty! and i should set the licence key again to directadmin service start
... and this happen again in some minutes

any idea?

please help
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Check with this command what is going on:
journalctl -u directadmin
you should find something about your license key in there.

Otherwise you can send in a ticket if you keep having issues.
Check with this command what is going on:
journalctl -u directadmin
you should find something about your license key in there.

Otherwise you can send in a ticket if you keep having issues.

and in directadmin log file:
2023:07:26-20:56:02:[21751]: signal TERM received. Waiting for children to exit
2023:07:26-20:56:02:[21751]: Clean shutdown successful
Hmmz.. that doesn't say a lot to me.
Check what you can see if you try to start direcatadmin in debug mode:

And then check in /var/log/directadmin the logs there, especially the error.log file.
the problem is after minutes my license.key file is empy!
then i should set the license.key value and then directadmin starts successfully and work again but after a while key file is empty and directadmin stop working!
