FC5 (32 bit)


Verified User
Dec 8, 2004
The Netherlands
Hi all,

I have to install a new server (AMD 64) and since Debian doesn't support the SATA controller and LAN interface I'm thinking about installing Fedora Core (32 bit version not 64) on it. Now the question is which version to install, 4 or 5?

I know that FC 5 isn't officially supported by DirectAdmin, but how likely is it that it won't work? And has anyone tested this yet?

I personally prefer FC 5, simply because it's more up to date, but if DirectAdmin really won't run on it that's no option.
Any experiences with this and advice are more than welcome.


Edit: I do see a Fedora 5 folder on the DA server: http://files.directadmin.com/services/fedora_5/
Seems like there is support for it after all or is it still in the testing phase?
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Do you want to run your server as a 64-bit server?

If so, then DA only supports CentOS 4.x in 64-bit mode. And only as beta software.

Look here.

CentOS 4.x is specifically created to be used in enterprise server environments. Fedora staff specifically recommends not using Fedora in an enterprise environment.

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the reply.

No I'm planning to run it in 32 bits mode, to prevent software compatibility problems.

I already considered CentOS, but I read that the nForce 4 support isn't all that (basically the same problem Debian has).

I don't have much experience with Fedora, but is it really not suitable as a serverplatform for hostingpurposes?
I thought DA mainly focused on FC, so I figured it'd be suitable.

Neither you nor anyone else is going to get me to recommend Fedora.

See the post I just made to another thread, here.

All that said, obviously you need to use something that supports your hardware.

It does make me think.
The setup of Fedora gave me the feeling that it's intended for desktop use. At least the default selected packages make up a desktop installation.

My first choice would have been Debian, simply because I know Debian pretty well and I love the packaging system. Too bad the Sarge installer doesn't recognize my onboard LAN adapter and my SATA controller. Same for Etch and didn't even try Sid, because there's no way I'm going to run my server on the unstable tree.

I don't have any experience whatsoever with CentOS, but if it's really the free version of RHEL I'll have a closer look at it.
Maybe there's a way to get this baby working with the installer kernel.

The main problem with Debian and, I think from what I've read, also with CentOS is that the installer kernels are too old to support recent hardware.

What's very weird is that FC 5 is using the same module (forcedeth) for my LAN adapter that I tried manually modprobing in the Sarge install but in Sarge it won't work.
The same thing with the Sata driver module (sata_nv). FC5 happily loads and uses it and Sarge won't budge.

I'll continue tomorrow and let you know what I decided.

Okay I managed to get a Debian base install using the Etch net install.
So I'll work from there and see if DirectAdmin will run on it, but I don't see foresee many problems with that.
It's just a plain vanilla base installation with a 2.6.15 kernel.

I'll complain here if I don't get it to work. :)

Redevelopment said:
It does make me think.
I don't have any experience whatsoever with CentOS, but if it's really the free version of RHEL I'll have a closer look at it.

It is :) .
Maybe there's a way to get this baby working with the installer kernel.

The main problem with Debian and, I think from what I've read, also with CentOS is that the installer kernels are too old to support recent hardware.
Actually RHEL and therefore CentOS, updates the installer routes as often as possible to handle new hardware. But perhaps still not often enough for the bleeding edge :) .

One of the things I like about CentOS is that Red Hat is committed to supporting recent hardware.

Good luck with your debian install, but if you have problems you might want to try CentOS to see if it finds your hardware.

The same goes for Debian, but I found out now that you have to use the net install to get a newer installer kernel.

Right now I'm trying to install DA on the server. It seems to go pretty well.
The first thing that went wrong was with libssl. It needed the libssl-dev package, but when I tried to install it it complained about its libssl dependency being newer.
But it was easy to resolve by downgrading libssl to sarge's version using apt-get.

The second problem I walked into was that after the DA setup said it was done it wasn't really done, because building apache failed (or PHP actually).

I could login to DA but apache obviously wasn't running and I also got an error on the Admin panel:
cannot find file: /usr/local/bin/php

Running customapache.sh manually showed me the problem:
While compiling PHP it choked on zziptest.c with the error:
./../bins/zziptest.c:76: error: invalid lvalue in assignment

I tossed zziptest.c away and did a build all. After that zzip compiled fine and I got to the next problem. While compiling php it was missing the libltd library, but that was easy to fix by installing it with apt-get.

Now it's working like a charm. :)

Redevelopment said:
Okay I managed to get a Debian base install using the Etch net install.
So I'll work from there and see if DirectAdmin will run on it, but I don't see foresee many problems with that.
It's just a plain vanilla base installation with a 2.6.15 kernel.

I'll complain here if I don't get it to work. :)


Ruben, I found this post of you running Debian Etch.
I habe installed a system with the Etch net install as well. Works great! (needed it for some fancy Dell Raid card.)

However when I try to install DirectAdmin, it obviously does not run with Debian 4.0 (etch) yet.

Is there a workaround on this?
Can I install the Debian 3.1 Directadmin without a problem?
Hi Manie,

Yeah I'm using DirectAdmin for Debian Sarge and it works fine now. I just walked into a couple problems while installing DA, but I got that solved. It has been running perfectly fine for 7 months now, so no problem.

Just be aware of the Apache installation as mentioned in my post above.

Let me know if you got it working.

Redevelopment said:
Hi Manie,

Yeah I'm using DirectAdmin for Debian Sarge and it works fine now. I just walked into a couple problems while installing DA, but I got that solved. It has been running perfectly fine for 7 months now, so no problem.

Just be aware of the Apache installation as mentioned in my post above.

Let me know if you got it working.


Oké, so no Etch? :-)
Guess I need to revisit the DC and reinstall then :(
Aha I see: My customer did not click on proceed in the directadmin license panel. So probably got a lot of errors because of that :(

But running the install now! Fingers crossed :D