[Feature/Plugin Request] TeamSpeak Module


Verified User
Jan 15, 2005
Would anyone be interested in developing a plugin that would allow DA users to create "TeamSpeak" packages?. Including a simple to use CP for the TeamSpeak Server.

If so I have a few questions:

1.) How much would you charge for it?
2.) Would you be ok with the Idea of making it Open Source (GPL) So that others can improve it
3.) When could you start, and how much time do you think it will take to complete?
I think you would have to have that liscence in order to offer ts sales on your server, otherwise they blacklist your server ips.
I know once you install ts you can make as many servers as you want on different ports
I am an authorized Team Speak hoster. (I am licensed to sell TS).

The whole idea of having DA control the TS server is because:

1.) Reducing the # of CP my customers must log into. (TS - Billing - DA)

2.) TS CP can be confusing to some users

3.) Its a lot easier for me to manage my TS servers that way.
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It would be easy to use directadmin api to use ts cp I have seen something like this done before but with other control panels.