Feature request: checkbox or option to show only local users


Verified User
Jan 20, 2004
Can there be an option (a checkbox or something) to only show local users when the 'Show all users' option is activated in Multiserversetup? Because sometimes it is usefull to only see local users.
I'm not sure what you're trying to do. If you don't select "show all users" in the Multi server setup, then on the "show all users" tab, you only see the local users.
I also use the Multi server setup, but have e-mail accounts and show all users never checked.

So you could use the selection there. Not sure why you should want the "show all users" checked in the multi server setup.
This is a very usefull feature to show the users on all the servers. You logon to 1 servers search for the user and know directly on what server the user is.

But sometimes it is usefull to only view the users on that server (for example: if you want to see which users are suspended on that server, or to see how much the biggest user on that server uses, ...)
And then indeed you can disable the feature to show all users, but this can be less 'click intensive'.