(feature request) Dont use online service to generate otp qr code for security


Verified User
Jul 25, 2016
The Earth
When inspecting the output of 2 step authentication API, I found out DA is using a deprecated google service to generate otp qr code via Google Image chart.

Example of the API output when we successfully generated the new KEY it has the following link:

<img src='https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&chld=M|0&cht=qr&chl=otpauth://totp/admin%37%server%2Ezenpipe%2Ecom%3Fsecret%3D%32QOPIM%33QTJACRTPC%26issuer%3DDirectAdmin'><br>

The username , server and secret key is sent to the service and as you probably know it's not a good idea to use online service to send this sensitive data plus DA shouldn't use it anyway because it's deprecated since 2012: https://developers.google.com/chart/image/

Here is the comment and a proposed solution from this guy:

I created a feature request here: https://feedback.directadmin.com/b/...t-use-google-service-for-generating-otp-code/

What do you think ?
Last edited:
Warning: This API is deprecated in 2012 and was turned off on March 18, 2019. Please use the actively maintained Google Charts API instead.

Oh wow? this is long overdue. You expect these secret codes to actually stay secret, instead it’s send to google??? just import a script locally instead of using all these online tools / scripts that get loaded when using the control panel. Annoying.