what do you think about a feature to start services on different ports, like:
apache normal: 80 (or proxy 1080, 8080)
but now:
apache -> "set port" (ex.: 12345) (and maybe any addititonal port like ex. 45678)
or mysql -> set port to 987
(...for other services like mail, ftp,..)
and to drive multiple sites or services with this config,
like apache on port 12345 AND 45678?
It would be nice for "hidden websites"
What is your opinion?
what do you think about a feature to start services on different ports, like:
apache normal: 80 (or proxy 1080, 8080)
but now:
apache -> "set port" (ex.: 12345) (and maybe any addititonal port like ex. 45678)
or mysql -> set port to 987
(...for other services like mail, ftp,..)
and to drive multiple sites or services with this config,
like apache on port 12345 AND 45678?
It would be nice for "hidden websites"
What is your opinion?