Fed up with these joomla injection and mass mail. Any advise.


Verified User
Apr 20, 2008
Ok couple of times in a month some users' joomla sites got hacked or iframed and send many spam mails. If I disable all user account I will loose clients. So I want to take an action at admin level. In someway, I want to limit or block certein local user and it is most of time system acount for that domain that sends mails. Please advice me. I am going to install csf and see what it does. I hate seing joomla or wordpress keyword.
I donot want to clean or scan their site. It is their problem. And also it takes long time everytime.

I want to block those sending. I already limit x mail per day but this time joomla eats all usage thus usual mail accounts also can not send mail. I just disabled mail function but site can still send mail. How is that possible? I tried simple php send mail form which faild. I thought joomla using php mail send function ? I can not block local user default mail account as it is whitelisted.
I just disabled mail function but site can still send mail. How is that possible?

To send emails from a PHP script (as well as Joomla, WP ) they can use:

- PHP mail()
- SMTP server
- sockets