Fedora Core 6 (FC6) Support?


Verified User
Mar 15, 2007
Due to my raid controller's drivers, it isn't possible to put an older version/other OS on my server than FC6.

Now, does Direct Admin run on this OS?

I already found a post where they were working on it, but that was a very old post.

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It works in FC 6 with no problem. I had to use it for the same reason as the OP. DA Supoort told me they had no reported problems with FC 6 .
DA Support Fedora Core 6 i386 only (so for us X86_64 fans we can add a little frownie face :().
DA Support Fedora Core 6 i386 only

Are you sure? Did DA Support tell you that? I don't see where you buy the license that it says 32 bit only. I don't see licenses for FC 32 bit only? I would ask DA support before making that assumption. This page is not kept up to date:
http://www.directadmin.com/install.html So don't use that as a reference.
That page is up to date as of the last modification date: April 13, 2007.

Who told you otherwise?

And Senad is right. DA supports 64-bit only for CentOS 4.1-4.4; they've said so numerous times (search these forums).

Please try to not be so argumentative.


Also CentOS 5 will be x86_64. All my facts come from the DA developers :).
Jeff it was just a question. I wanted to know the answer to it. I simply wanted to know where Senad got his information. Senad said:
All my facts come from the DA developers
Now I know.

That page is up to date as of the last modification date: April 13, 2007.
Then why isn't FC 6 on it at all? CentOS 5 is not on it I guess because its still beta. But both are on my license page.

The comment I posted about was
DA Support Fedora Core 6 i386 only

From the install page there is nothing at all about FC6 in any form 32 bit or 64 bit?

Not trying to be argumentative. Just asking a question.

I previously made a statement and asked a question based on my observation. Maybe I should have included a smiley or something so that people would know that I was simply asking a question and not trying to be argumentative.

:) :) :) :)
Or perhaps written DA staff with your question

I didn't think DA staff would be able to tell me where Senad got his information. I figured I would ask Senad himself. I will send a PM next time.