Fedora Install


Verified User
Sep 23, 2003
I have installed DirectAdmin on a Fedora Core 1 server.

Here is what I have noticed for problems:

- no directadmin.conf was ever created in the /usr/local/directadmin/conf/ folder. Directadmin would not start up.

Unable to read config file. Check to make sure that /usr/local/directadmin/conf/

So I copied the directadmin.conf from a working server.

- The users folder was never created. /usr/local/directadmin/data/ users/ The setup file did create a random password. However the user admin on the server was never setup.

So I manually created the user and folder.

Unable to determine Usertype
user.conf needs to be repaired

and in the error logs

2004:03:07-17:05:10: Unable to write ./data/admin/login.hist:
Can't get a lock on ./data/admin/login.hist<br>Unable to get Lock on file<br>

2004:03:07-17:07:29: Auth::passValid: unable to get user_info for admin

I did create a user.conf based on another install. So far it isn't fully working yet. I will update this thread as I find more information. I hope i get it working. :D
Thats great that you have it working...

Just so that anyone reading this as of today 4.7.04 DA does not officially support Fedora.
FYI to create the directadmin.conf and first admin user, you can *try* to run:

cd /usr/local/directadmin
./directadmin i
./directadmin p

That will either work, or it won't. (Assumes ./scripts/setup.txt is created and filled)

Correct, Fedora is not supported even though some people got it working. I'll hopefully find time in the next few weeks to make some changes to the setup.sh script and setup a few more things to support it (beta). Not sure yet if it will require it's own build system or not, of if it can run fine with the 9.0 binary.

I upgraded a system from rh9 > Fedora core 1 and its working a treat....... had to recompile *everything* but it all appears ok so far.

John (or Mark if you read this...) if you need a test system until you have your own sorted, email me.. It's impossible to get hold of Mark atm, or so it seems :p

Busy time of the month for license renewals? :)

For the few people that I've helped with their Fedora installs, the only issues I've run into was

1) setup.sh not finding the correct OS.. so just edit setup.txt, and set services=services90.tar.gz
Then run install.sh (go as far as you can with setup.sh to start with)

2) after the whole thing is done, you need the new exim:
http://files.directadmin.com/services/fedora_1 ..so just download the da_exim-4.24.1 rpm and install it (rpm -ivh da_exim*.rpm)

I am running DA on 2 Fedora boxes... works fine so far.... I did notice that the new install script left a lot of things out so I had to install the "old" way which worked just fine.
it's not fully working yet. It looks like majordomo was never installed. So Exim wont restart because of the config file.

Some reason mysql was not installed either.

Directadmin itself seems to be working. Which is great news. :)
I've got mysql installed and running using yum.

Is directadmin picky about where majordomo is installed to and what user it runs as?
For mysql you could of done

cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts

Have you tried stopping / starting / restarting vm-pop3d?

Its running fine on the system I have here...

Most of the time vm-pop3d isn't running, it's because something else already is on port 110.. so check for any other pop programs. Also chec /etc/xinetd.d for any active pop services. Also try "telnet localhost 110" to see who's got the port open, else check your /var/log/messages file.

proftpd and vm-Pop3d do not appear to be installed at all. I see some .conf files for proftpd but nothing else. port 21 and 110 are not open.

I'm going to try and install both tonight and see if it starts working.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/packages
rpm -ivh proftpd-1.2.9-1.i386.rpm

rpm -ivh da_vm-pop3d-1.1.7e-1.i386.rpm
See what happens. You might already have a few installed. Then try:

service proftpd start
service vm-pop3d start

to see if the boot scripts got installed.

Originally I don't think it was set to anything.
Here is what it is set to now.

I will try what you suggested and post the results.
I've got vm-pop3d and proftpd installed. I'm removing the MySQL server and client i installed via yum to load the DA rpms of MySQL.
I installed the mysql rpms included with the fedora tarball. With mysql the control panel seems to be looking for mysqld in the /etc/rc.d/init.d folder. The rpms never created a mysqld file. It created a mysql file. This was easily fixed by creating a symbolic link with mysqld to mysql.