Feedback on PHP 5.2.1 required


Verified User
Apr 28, 2005
Hello Folks,

I am thinking about upgrading from PHP 4.4.6 to PHP 5.2.1 but I believe that some sites may not work correctly.

The main reason why I am looking to upgrade is because I am in the process of installing ModernBill 5.1.6 and it seems to require expat-2.0.0 which can be found in PHP 5.x. So rather than just installing expat-2.0.0 I thought of upgrading to PHP 5.2.1 to get the full benefits of speed, reliability etc etc.

************************ Message from MB installaton ******************************
Critical requirements not satisfied. Please prepare a suitable environment before continuing.

* You SHOULD have PHP version >= 5.0.0 for more efficient operation of ModernBill [you do not].
* You MUST have an XML parser that preserves whitespace [you do not].
* You SHOULD have the "iconv" extension loaded for v4 imports from databases not in UTF-8 [you do not].
* You MAY have the "sysvshm" extension loaded for Unix performance optimizations [you do not].
* You MAY have the "sysvsem" extension loaded for Unix performance optimizations [you do not].


Therefore I would like if you can give any advice or share your experiences here.


when on a shared hosting server you should be VERY aware of the consequences (?) of upgrading to php5... Since it _could_ destroy some php4 scripts.

Perhaps its an option to go to suphp/php5-cgi (correct me if im wrong)
when on a shared hosting server you should be VERY aware of the consequences (?) of upgrading to php5... Since it _could_ destroy some php4 scripts.
Well, it won't destroy them, but it could make it impossible for them to run :) .
Perhaps its an option to go to suphp/php5-cgi (correct me if im wrong)
That would work if ModernBill will work that way. I don't think you can rename php to php5 though, for Modernbill.

Anyone with more specific experience?
