File Manager 8 filesize issue when doanloading from interface


Verified User
Sep 23, 2011
Hello everyone,

We've encountered a problem with the File manager, specifically when trying to download files larger than 8 GiB.

A client of ours pointed out that a backup file with a size slighty over 8 GiB, was truncated to (size - 8 GiB). So of the actual 8,23 GiB, when clicking on the file in the File Manager, the resulting downloader window listed a filesize of 234 MiB.

After verifying the downloaded file, it is actually only 234 MiB that's downloaded, and the file is naturally corrupt and unusable.

We've replicated this behaviour by generating a zero-filled file on a random location on one of our DA servers, and downloading it from within the File Manager. In every instance, the resulting filesize is a multiple of 8 GiB less than the actual filesize.

For instance, a file generated with an actual size of 16,5 GiB, will be downloaded as approx. 500 MB, missing the first 2 blocks of 8 GiB.

This behaviour only occurs with downloads from within the File Manager interface, FTP'ed transfers are complete and functional.

I would very much like to know where this limit has its origin, and if there's a way to circumvent this, other than advising to use other means of download such as FTP.


You could check your upload_max_filesize or maybe post_max_size in your php.ini
I don't see how this would have any bearing on the issue, since DirectAdmin uses its own process to serve the interface, and not a HTTP service.

And anyway, the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size values are around 8 MiB, never anywhere near several GiB's ofcourse, let alone 8 GiB.

Any hints from within the DA code perhaps?
Hey everyone,

I've received reply from DirectAdmin support. It appears a cause (and solution) may have been found and implemented.

So this should be fixed in a future release ;)
