File Manager: Copy/Move to parent folder's subfolder (sibling folder)


New member
May 31, 2021
I'm using the Evolution skin, dark mode.

Seems odd that when I want to copy files from one folder to a sibling folder it only allows me to create a new subfolder without a way to select an existing subfolders. You can see in the images, the current folder is dds which I want to copy or move files to a sibling in the public_html folder. When you move up to parent, there aren't any subfolders available to to select.

Screen Shot 2021-05-31 at 8.07.50 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-05-31 at 8.08.03 AM.png

I've checked in both default and dark mode to see if maybe an icon is hidden in dark mode because of styling issues. Am I missing something? I create dev environments for client accounts regularly and would prefer moving on the server as opposed to FTP all the time. This has been an annoyance that I've overlooked for some time but figured I'd check if I'm the only one with this issue.

Thanks for any insight!
- Steve
I'm running into this as well.

If you inspect the popup, select this div:

<div class="q-dialog-wrap column q-card medium">

Then add a height: 1000px to it using the inspector, you're able to see the folders now.


You have to do this each time you refresh but I needed to move some files and this was my only way inside the control panel.

Clearly something is causing the height to be off.