First try to see what way the system is running.
Is it running php with cgi or php with cli. Is suphp installed or mod_ruid?
This can be of influence of permissions. It has nothing to do with Cpanel or Directadmin but with how the server Cpanel or Directadmin is running on, was setup.
Probably the Cpanel server was running with SuPhp so 755 would be enough.
Good chance that your DA server is now running in default mode, which does in fact nothing special.
In that case you have to change permissions of the directory's which should be writable to 777 with the "chmod 777 foldername" command.
Do NOT do this on every folder or file, only those on which it's necessary.
However.... I just had a very quick look at the Joomla faq and there it says no 777 permission is needed.
So you might better check if the folder permissions of the useraccount is oke.
Normally all files and folders under the public_html directory of the user should be owned by the user.
Suppose the useraccountname is testuser, then
go to the users public_html directory and you could do something like the following:
chown testuser:testuser * -R
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
Which makes all directory's 755 and all files 644.
The Joomla faq says it like this
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
chmod 707 images
chmod 707 images/stories
chown apache:apache cache
However, I would only use the last line like that if you're sure that apache/php is not running under the username but under apache.