file size unknown

I dont think there is anything like that in apache. Most of that stuff is client side. When I download it it shows me the file size.
I also have this problem on one of my servers, it is not in the browser, I upload same file in two servers, and download in firefox, and in cpanel server, it is showing the size of the file, but on my DA server, it is unknown. How can I fix this? I already searched the net but failed to find a solution.


with my case, I tried an .avi, will try another file... but it seems all file types.


I think problem with the mime types, I have tried .avi, .wma, .mp3 and they all have unknown file size, but if .zip, the file size is known..

where do I need to check?

Try to check your Browser headers - do you receive content-length string? I am on Directadmin too - no such problems were detected.
This is typically a result of gzip encoding being active in apache ... the newer browser releases aren't interpreting it the same way, giving the unknown file size issue.

You'll notice this also with mp3 files not playing completely through OCCASIONALLY, depending on the browser.

You'll find some .htaccess and httpd.conf tricks here to get around the problem:
Same Problem here! Did you solved this?

When I download a ZIP or MP3 file, everything is fine, but when I download a FLV or MP4 file the download size is unknown.
I get the same problem. I noticed that zip files would show the file size but some other types I tried did not.

I tested pausing downloads and found that zip file were able to get paused and restart while the files that the size was not sent, were not able to restart.

I've registered on here just to pass on a fix that I found for this problem. Spent 3+ hours narrowing down the cause and then trying to find the answer and a work-around!

I had to set-up a site on a DirectAdmin controlled server and they needed some flash video files (FLV) to be viewed. Using various different players, I noticed the timeline bar didn't show the download progress. I then noticed that downloading the FLV's as files it couldn't give me file sizes so I realised this is why the video players can't report download progress. Putting these files on other servers has been the only resolution until now.

Found this
Just in case that link ever breaks in the future, the answer is, just add this to an .htaccess file in the directory:

SetEnv no-gzip dont-vary

I have done this and the server now reports file sizes of file downloads and therefore reports download progress etc.

Hope this helps you guys,