file upload automatically from private_html to public_html


New member
Nov 6, 2020
Good afternoon,
I am very happy with DirectAdmin, but when I upload things to the private_html it automatically uploads to the public_html. If I delete things in the public_html, they are also gone in private_html.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Private_html is almost not used anymore unless you really want to build a seperate http and https website, which also costs extra work.
So think well about this before changing that setting.

Most websites work on public_html nowadays, which can easily be switched to https if wanted/needed without the private_html directory. This way you also only have to maintain 1 website.
Private_html is almost not used anymore unless you really want to build a seperate http and https website, which also costs extra work.
So think well about this before changing that setting.

Most websites work on public_html nowadays, which can easily be switched to https if wanted/needed without the private_html directory. This way you also only have to maintain 1 website.
Hello Richard,
How can you put your website online if it is not in the public folder?
How can you put your website online if it is not in the public folder?
http loads from public_html
https loads from private_html

There typically exists a symlink to link the two so that the same site loads via http or https.
To test this and confirm, try temporarily removing the symlink or the setting for long enough to add a test site, place different index files in the two directories, then load one version of the site from https and the other from http.
How can you put your website online if it is not in the public folder?
That is not what I wrote.
Most websites work on public_html nowadays
So where do you think I said you don't need the public folder? Because I wrote you don't need the private_html anymore (since it symlinks to public_html).

So you do use the public_html folder. Unless the symlink is not in effect, you can check and enable this if you want it.
oops, sorry. I thought you said public ... My English is not that good.
thanks for your help, but i haven't been able to fix it yet. All my folders are still connected. If I delete something in one folder, it will also be deleted in the other folder.
What language are you then? If you are Dutch (Nederlands) you can send me a pm.
As for your issue, then we go back to my first question, do you really need a separate private_html and public_html folder?
If not, just do not delete things you still need, because then what's happening is logical.
I'm wondering why the name private_html is chosen in the past? What could have been a better name was secured_http.

For a moment, I can think it can be quite confusing.
Good question indeed. The name private would rather suggest something where you could test or something, in any case with limited access.
Se secure_html would have been a better name indeed.
It most likely comes from the terms Public internet vs Private Intranet. Public IP and Private IP that sort of thing.