files from home/user/domains/


Verified User
Apr 19, 2005
I Have two users, let say:
user_1 and user_2 with each, one domain, and

user_2 needs a file for his domain_02 from user_1 domain_01

the file is in:


and must be used bij file


the error log says:
can't locate /home/user_1/domains/
Can't you make a copy of the file for each user?

Or are you trying to share both domain between the users (in which case why not create a single user with two domains...)
No, I can't make a copy because the info of the file is changes many times.

The option to make 1 user with 2 domains is an option, but the lines below, gives the same error,

Try creating a permanent link (not a symbolic link) from the file in one of the domains to the other.

Note that these links cannot be identified as links, but deleting one won't matter, no matter which was made first. The file will exist as long as one of the references to it still exists. Either file can be changed and since both files share the same disk space both files will reflect the change.

Is this any clearer than mud :rolleyes: ?

No not realy it's more mud.

How to creating a permanent link?

in the file

I have a line like:

reguire: ''/home/user_1/domains/";

# ln /path/to/target/file /path/to/link/filename

Note that for regular (non-symbolic) links to work, both the target file and the link filename need to be on the same partition.

With directories you must use symbolic links.

#man link
will give a lot of information.


Where must i make the link ?

in the cgi script?
in the httpd.conf or....

i perfer in the script

i have treid many diffrent thing but nothing works for me