filter HTML/Phishing.Gen email


Verified User
Feb 26, 2022
my user said that its anti-virus software found virus when using outlook to receive email from my directadmin email server.
It seems that when outlook read the emails and found the threat (HTML/Phishing.Gen)
my email server only installed standard spamd.
How to filer this HTML/Phishing.Gen? can use system_filter.exim to filter it?
The system_filter.exim already does a lot. You could also install clamav and that can work with Exim.
Richard, thanks for your reply.
I seldom install clamav, as it seems directadmin have very limited support in clamav.
***** Note ***** Technical support for ClamAV is very limited. Use at your own risk.

To enable and install ClamAV execute the following commands:

da build <span>set</span> clamav <span>yes</span> <span># enables ClamAV in custombuild config</span><br>da build clamav <span># installs ClamAV</span><br>

Exim integration can be optionally enabled with:

da build <span>set</span> clamav_exim <span>yes</span><br>da build exim_conf<br>

will this affect exim conf file (as i have some custom changes like smart_route, special ports?
will this affect exim conf file (as i have some custom changes like smart_route, special ports?
Not as far as I'm aware of. There are already conditional statements about clamav in the exim.conf to be used if Clamav is installed.
The installation will create seperate files, the exim.clamav.conf and exim.clamav.load.conf which will be used by Exim once available.

So it shouldn't interfere with your current exim.conf file.
it will overwrite exim.conf and exim.variable.conf

and after setup, how can I check the clamav log?
I would to know any emails are filtered
it will overwrite exim.conf and exim.variable.conf
No it will not. Unless you're using ancient config files, because the variable is already in exim.conf for a looooooong time.
What do you think is changed in exim.conf and exim.variables.conf then?

For logging you have to enable the log yourself in the /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf log file.