First time situation.


Verified User
May 25, 2022
I received a message about a customer account mail rely and that there was a compromised word press script on their site. So I tried the following:

Suspending the email accounts it didn't work.
Blocking the I.P.'s, but they seem to have changed faster than I could block them.

So, I finally suspended the customers account and it seemed to work, although I am not sure that is what actually stopped it.

My questions are: Did I handle it correctly? Or is there a better way to do fix it? Or is there a standard way to handle it?
If you put mail in the disabled_functions, then nobody can use php mail anymore.

Normally we also just suspend the user and have him change passwords and update scripts.

Also it's a good idea to install Maldetect because that can also often find malicious scripts in websites, especially wordpress.
also in DA email you can check disk path where from emails was sent and check this script.
and you can set for this account daily email limit 1 email, so you can unblock it and let customer solve problem