Folder 'icons' in public_html points to /var/www/icons


Verified User
Jan 12, 2012
Hi there,

I'm facing a really weird problem at this moment. When a user creates a folder 'icons' in his public_html, it points to /var/www/icons, which seems a folder with Apache icons. I did some googling, which tells me to delete any rule with the folder icons in my httpd.conf. However, I can't even find the word 'icons' in my httpd.conf and neither in my httpd.conf__2.0.

Does anyone have any idea?

Thanks in advance,
I'm betting it's the one in /etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf

Alias /icons/ "/var/www/icons/"

How did I find it?
cd /etc/httpd/conf/extra/
grep -r -i "icons" *
Yes, this was the solution. Thanks for pointing it out and taking time to explain how you did it.

One last question: does it harm anything, when I remove 'FancyIndexing' from IndexOptions, and comment the Alias out?
It's just a setting for how Index pages are being created. Normally in a DA envoirment Indexs is disabled, but users can enable it by simply putting in .htaccess:

Options +Indexes

If you then don't have an index.php/html etc in the directory you see all the other files in that directory. If you disable FancyIndexing, then at the top you don't have ' Name Last modified Size Description' so you can sort the files by clicking on one of those links. Also FancyIndexing places extension icons infront of the files, but since you have removed the alias they will probably result in a 404 being linked to.

If you want to test it just put that +Indexes in a .htaccess.