Folder layout


Verified User
Jul 11, 2008
Lancashire, UK

I've been working with DA for a couple of years now and wondered why there is the following folder layout


Shouldn't 'domains' be 'web'? :confused:
Perhaps it would be more intuitive, but when DirectAdmin was first written mail wasn't kept in the /home directory path, and domains was chosen. then when DirectAdmin switched to keeping Maildir email in the /home path, the decision was made to keep it under imap (even though it's used for both imap and for pop3). I suppose there's a lot that could have been differently if we all had a lot more foresight, but personally I think I wouldn't want the confusion that would come with the change.

The original design was from uw-imap.. that's how it had the folders layed out which is why we use "imap" folder the folder name. Pop (vm-pop3d) worked in /var/spool/virtual/, thus imap was only imap at that time.

When we converted to Dovecot, we just stuck with the same paths to keep it simple (since it was still imap, but now with pop in the same place), and dropped the /var/spool/directory.

The "domains" directory was because it's where the domains live, that was just our implementation because everywhere in DA, it says "create domain", thus it's where they are. The more logical solution would be to move imap below /home/user/domains/, but because of the above resaons (uw-imap) we didn't.

Anyway, that's just how it ended up, it's not too bad (I'm sure there could be far worse things) so that's likely how it's going to stay ;)

Shouldn't 'domains' be 'web'?

No because more than just website related stuff is kept in "domains." "domains" covers everything related to the domain except for the mail stuff John already mentioned.