For Cloud Linux users, Python and Ruby Selector


Verified User
Mar 10, 2007
I don't know if this is the correct place to post this.

This being said, the problem is about Python and Ruby selector in LVE Manager options for Direct Admin. The actual status is that we, Directadmin users, don't have any support, this feature simply does not exits for us, so It`s not posibble to give access to ours users to these features because there is no demand by our side to Cloud Linux vendors.

Neither cli commands work. As support team told me

Unfortunately, yes, there is no way to deploy rails app in DirectAdmin.

Igor Ghertesco | Support Engineer

On the other hand Cpanel users can offer this as you can see here

After opening a ticket with them, they told me that if people demand this feature, it would be implemented by their team as many other did.

We can vote for this feature in the next link.

Please vote for this if you find it interesting. It´s Only 9 votes left for this feature to be considerated.

Thanks and sorry for my bad english
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Just want to bump this topic. I think Ruby apps in DirectAdmin would be a great feature.
If you run DirectAdmin on CloudLinux please visit this CL user voice thread and vote for integration of Ruby and Python Selector in DirectAdmin:

CPANEL users already get this feature from CloudLinux and if we get enough votes at the link above we can also get it in DA. If we get this, our customers will be able to effortlessly run python and ruby apps from their DA hosting accounts.

What this means for us:
  • An improved hosting offering
  • Appeal to a wider customer base
  • More profitable hosting
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just voted for this!

If Directadmin is to compete with cPanel we must be able to offer the same services.