Force download .cdr files


Verified User
Jun 14, 2010

We have come across a problem involving downloading .cdr files (Corel Draw). We want our customer to be able to download .cdr files directly when left clicking on a link to a .cdr file, that is on our server. At the moment, the left click is opening the contents of a file in a browser window.

We have tried to add a Mime-Type association to .cdr files in /etc/httpd/conf/mime.types:

application/cdr, application/coreldraw, application/x-cdr, application/x-coreldraw, image/cdr, image/x-cdr, zz-application/zz-winassoc-cdr and application/octet-stream

None of the above work. The result is always the same (after restarting apache) - opening the file in a browser rather than downloading. Then we tried to add a Apache directive in httpd.conf to force download:

<FilesMatch "\.(?i:cdr)$">
ForceType application/octet-stream
Header set Content-Disposition attachment

Again, the result is the same.

Any help here would be greatly appriciated.
Hmm, that looks right. Where in the httpd.conf did you place this, in the <VirtualHost> directive for the domain you want to adjust?