Forum avatars...feeling stupid


Verified User
Jul 2, 2006
Seattle, WA Area
Silly question I suppose...
I see people using avatars in this forum but I've been through the user control panel and can't see where I can upload mine. Are new Avatar uploads turned off?
Looked in:
Edit Signature
Edit Email & Password
Edit Profile
Edit Options
Click on User CP, then lookl down the left side.

Under Settings & Options find Edit Avatar.

You can upload one, or point to one hosted elsewhere.

I'm Looking Also!


I am having the same problem! I have gone to Settings & Options but I see no Edit Avatar!
I only have:
Edit Signature, Edit Email and Password, Edit Profile, and Edit Options,

I have looked in all of those and have not seen Edit Avatar anywhere. I did check and I do have Show Avatars checked and like the others I do see other people's Avatars! Is it possible this option Edit Avatars could be somewhere else? Maybe it was moved or something?

Thank you very much, any help is greatly appreciated!:confused:
I vote for limiting what fonts and font sizes people can use. Some just don't when and how to use them properly. Maybe the same is true for avatars as well. I know I would like to use an avatar but not at the expense of others using things I don't want to see.
I vote for limiting what fonts and font sizes people can use. Some just don't when and how to use them properly. Maybe the same is true for avatars as well. I know I would like to use an avatar but not at the expense of others using things I don't want to see.

What do you think would be reasonable limits in terms of fonts and size? How about font colors?

What do you think would be reasonable limits

I don't know. But the wild post above I didn't even read because it was so hard to read. Maybe I am the only one. We have a hard enough time figuring out what people are trying to say because of language barriers and sometimes people don't write exactly what they mean. I just feel like the last thing we need is another barrier like hard to read fonts. I don't mind bold, italic, and underline and even a couple of sizes. The point of using these should be to set apart specific words or phrases from the rest of what we are saying, for emphasis. We should not be making use of such things just because we can.

Just my opinion. Others will disagree. Got a little off topic. If the font thing needs to be discussed further lets make another thread for it. This one is for avatars. I know I am the one who started it. I am the one that should have started another thread.
original post was about avatars, not font restrictions

Correct. I only brought it up because of the post above which I could not, would not read. As already stated we should start another thread if it needs to be discussed further.

I don't have a way to include an avatar either. I have wanted to in the past but I don't know if that is a good idea either.
Ahh sorry to post pre-emptivly floyd, I agree that fonts should be used to highlight certain parts of text not just for the sake of looking 'pretty'
As for avatars I think a forum admin will have to have a look at that, maybe it got turnned off at some point.
I think avatars within reason would be good, maybe size(dimension) restrictions need to be in effect. I would certainly like to put my company logo next to mmy username. However i agree it could get out of hand, with some users using huge space taking dynamic avatars. I guess it would have to have a trial run.
Avatars sizes

Since we don't seem to be able to get avatars then the size of them seems to be a moot point doesn't it?

But that said...almost every forum that I have ever been at does have a size restriction and that does seem to be quite small, otherwise people would be putting entire wallpapers on. I have a very small avatar and I have been to a couple of places where even that is too large. Oddly enough though at these couple of places when I have opted for one of their avatars they came out to be bigger in appearance than mine, so obviously it appears that those forums just wanted the members to use their choices instead of the individuals choices. If that was indeed what they wanted then the option of uploading or putting the URL for an avatar should never be given.

One thing that I have never understood though is the option of putting a URL for your avatar. Isn't that just helping a person steal someone else's... whatever they call it? bandwidth or something, I hope that you get my drift because I am not a computer expert and really am hoping I do not get crucified for not knowing the proper term! I am here to learn.

Just thought I would put in my 2 cents again since I can't get an avatar!!!

(by the way, I use a larger, bolder font so that I can see it, not to irritate people, sometimes the fonts are so small I need a magnifying glass, I do not want others to suffer the same headaches that I get trying to read the smaller fonts). :o
(by the way, I use a larger, bolder font so that I can see it, not to irritate people, sometimes the fonts are so small I need a magnifying glass, I do not want others to suffer the same headaches that I get trying to read the smaller fonts). :o

But for those of us that don't have a vision problem, or that have it corrected, the large purple fonts can be annoying.

If you do have a vision problem, you might want to do something about that.

Avatars & Fonts

Thank you very much for your concern about my vision problem Thom.

I have never seen so many people that are speaking about Avatars so concerned about fonts.

I do trust that this meets with your approval. If not I will see if I can do better next time for you.

I must say though that as a member of a few forums and I have never been so warmly welcomed, thank you very much. You treat your fellow posters very well indeed.

I was under the impression that this forum was for answering peoples questions not trying to insult them.

I suppose though that you have no problems and since you are not helping me either for the life of me I can not understand what you are doing here, I suppose some people were just born to complain.

Thank you again for your constructive criticism as you can see I am already taking your complaint to heart by changing my font and size for you, and after the holiday tomorrow I will surely make an eye doctor appointment.
That is much better Sage. Remember you are writing to the general public here, not your girlfriend. Font size is not as much a problem as the type of font used and the color of the text. I am not sure what font that is but I seriously doubt making it italic helped your vision any and I am not sure how the purple color helped either. The italic and purple make it harder to read.

If you want to make it big so you can see it then I don't see a problem with that (no pun intended) But don't make it annoying.
Avatars & fonts

I am glad that you approve to Floyd.

Since I have worked out your problem with my fonts & I have accommodated you and your friends here maybe all of you could accommodate me now and find someone that can help me with my problem.

By the way, if you have such problems with the fonts why don't you try to get the font options turned off and then you would never have another problem with me or anyone else again.

Sounds like a much better option, try to help the situation as best as you can instead of insulting people and making things worse. If fonts were not here for people to use then they could not use them now could they? I think your problem is not so much with me but the administration here at the forum for turning the fonts on.

Thank You also for your constructive criticism.
instead of insulting people

I don't see where anybody insulted you.

Generally if you want to join a group of people you observe for a while and then try to fit in with them. I would like to see the posts that made you think that is was ok to use that style of writing.

Nobody here insulted you.
Thank You

Thank you Thom, they have some very good doctors over here so I am sure that everything will work out just fine.

I am touched by your concerned for me.

You better watch out though Thom, you are showing me so much attention that people might start to think that you fancy me.

In fact, I kind of fancy you too. I'll just bet that you are a really cute one too, aren't you??