forward creates mailloop??


Verified User
Aug 27, 2003
The Netherlands

I have 2 servers setup. Server 1 has a user with multiple domains and one mailbox. Adresses from the domains are all forwarded to this mailbox. This works. On the second box he has mailbox also. When we remove this mailbox and create a forwarder to the mailbox on server 1 suddenly this mail bounces but all other forwarders bounce also. Only the emailaccount which belongs to the box works. We get the following error:
Too many "Received" headers - suspected mail loop
I checked everything. DNS seems setup ok. No accounts are double setup on both servers. Any clue where to start??
Do you have a forwarder pointing to another forwarder?

This error message is telling you that exim cannot deliver the message; that each time it get's forwarded it get's forwarded someplace that's sending it right back to be forwarded again.

jlasman said:
Do you have a forwarder pointing to another forwarder?

This error message is telling you that exim cannot deliver the message; that each time it get's forwarded it get's forwarded someplace that's sending it right back to be forwarded again.


Problem is solved. I'm not 100% sure what caused the problem but on both servers multiserver setup was enabled. On box 1 which mail should be forwarded to box 2 somehow a zonefile existed with wrong mx information. The domain exists on box 2 but on box 1 a zonefile with mx to box 1 existed. Not sure how this could happen but when I deleted this zonefile and disabled multiserver setup the problem was solved.