FPM Settings


Verified User
Jul 8, 2019

We are using Apache and Php-fpm. Some user cannot upload themes and plugins with their wordpress panels.

Our post_max_size and upload_max is very high in php.ini.


We should also add fpm settings as these limits? If yes how?

If you're using CageFS PHP selector - they have different limits set there. I'd suggest uploading info.php file with the following content:

Open it in web browser and you'll see the limits in effect.

I want to say that FPM uses php.ini settings from the file below?


Or i have to add all settings memory_limit, upload_max....etc to fpm conf file?

I am not using cloudlinux.

It depends on PHP version used, if 5.6 - yes, but PHP-FPM is a service, it needs a restart/reload to load the new values form the ini file.
Well... I mean... we're not going to know why uploads aren't happening on your server. We can't actually see the inside of your server. We cannot diagnose issues on your server.

Either the verbosity of your logs aren't showing enough or you're not looking in the right error log.

If you are using php-fpm, then each pool would have or be able to define an error_log. What error_log is defined for the pool in question? What does that error_log say when you try to upload a file but it fails?

If this is being stopped by ModSecurity or whatever (I'm going to assume you are using Apache as your web server - although that may not be the case) then you would need to check the ModSecurity rules or the Apache error log.

We are using php-FPM.

You mean the log file:

No, it would probably be more specific to whatever specific pool is being referred to.

This illustrates why forum support can be so flaky. We do not know how your server is set up. You're wanting specific instructions "check this file right here." We're not going to know your set up and what error log to check.

You have to know how your server is set up to operate and what logs to check appropriately.

Is the account using PHP 5.6?

I'm assuming the php-fpm pool file for this user would be in


It doesn't look like an error_log is added by default to the pool configuration.


php_admin_value[error_log] = /home/%user%/.php/php56-php-fpm.log
php_admin_flag[log_errors] = on

to this file and reload php56-php-fpm

service php56-php-fpm reload

Now you should get an error log at


when errors are generated in PHP in this pool.