[FR] Domain dropdown to quickly switch domain


Verified User
Oct 31, 2003
As soon as you have more than one domain, it's a bit of a pain to switch between them.

It would be great to have a domain dropdown either in the header or in the right column, as a replacement for the "current domain" section.
Sounds like a good idea (how exactly is up to DA), but it has always been a few too many steps to switch.
It's 2 clicks to go to the homepage and 3 to go back to where you were before. It's not horrible, but after having used this on another panel, I would prefer 1 click.
Added 1 click:

The breadcrumbs at the bottom of the page will replace the the domain with a select box.. for most relevant, but not all.

When you swap to the different domain, it will bring you the exact same CMD_* as for the other domain.
Eg, if you're viewing:

and you select domain2.com in the select box, it will take you to:

making the management of items over multiple domains go much quicker.

Some situations don't warrant a swap, as it doesn't make sense... like editing a user, it may not exist on the other domain.
Or MySQL/crons, as they don't actually use the domain for anything.

Also, double-clicking the select box will replace the old href functionality, and will bring you back up to CMD_SHOW_DOMAIN?domain=domain.com

Uploading the pre-release binaries now for anyone who wants to try it.
