Super Moderator
Please add a variable in directadmin.conf or in custombuild/options.conf so to have ability to change www.example.com to something real. I mean lines in /etc/exim.conf (both 2.x and 4.x):
That's not handt to modify them every time after exim.conf update/upgrade.
Please add a variable in directadmin.conf or in custombuild/options.conf so to have ability to change www.example.com to something real. I mean lines in /etc/exim.conf (both 2.x and 4.x):
deny message = Email blocked by LBL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
deny message = Email blocked by BSHL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
deny message = Email blocked by BSHL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
deny message = Email blocked by BSAL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
deny message = Email blocked by SPAMHAUS - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
That's not handt to modify them every time after exim.conf update/upgrade.