[FR] Variable to change www.example.com to something real in exim.conf


Super Moderator
Apr 11, 2005

Please add a variable in directadmin.conf or in custombuild/options.conf so to have ability to change www.example.com to something real. I mean lines in /etc/exim.conf (both 2.x and 4.x):

  deny message = Email blocked by LBL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
  deny message = Email blocked by BSHL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
  deny message = Email blocked by BSHL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
  deny message = Email blocked by BSAL - to unblock see http://www.example.com/
  deny message = Email blocked by SPAMHAUS - to unblock see http://www.example.com/

That's not handt to modify them every time after exim.conf update/upgrade.
I'm sorry for confusion, that's not 4.x but 3.6:

# DirectAdmin SpamBlocker Version 3.2.6 RC exim.conf# 19-May-2010  11:26 (-0700)

Thus, only for 2.1
When I originally wrote SpamBlocker it had my domain name in it and nobody ever bothered to change it, so people would go to my unblocking site (spamblocked.net) and of course I couldn't unblock them. So I put example.com in future versions and when DirectAdmin staff started using my later version they copied that.

In my 4.x versions I rewrote the error message to not show any link at all unless one was added, since most users never bother to set up a link.

My recommendation would be to rewrite all versions of SpamBlocker (I don't see any verison to not switch to SpamBlocker 4.x for all future Installs; do you?) to the way I've done it in 4.x.

No use in automatically putting in a link to a non-existent page.
