

Verified User
May 16, 2004
One of my customers asked me to install Freetype 2.0. I have searched on the internet how to do it, but I have not found the information where I was looking for.

When I type "locate freetype" in SSH, I will get a very long list, including:


So, it is still on the server, but it doesn't works. Can somebody explain me how I can install it correctly?

Thank you very much in advance!
More information such as the operating system you are using would be helpful;)

If FreeBSD just install the package using pkg_add -r or using the ports system.
Thank you for your reply. I am using FreeBSD, but when I use the pkg_add command, I will get the following error:

[root@s001:/var/db/pkg] # pkg_add -r freetype2-2.1.5_1
Error: FTP Unable to get File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)
pkg_add: unable to fetch '' by URL

Can you tell me how the ports system works of where I can find information about that?

Thank you very much in advance!
man pkg_add ;)

Another way to do it if the automatic download isn't working, is download the package from the FreeBSD website and then execute pkg_add on that file.

EDIT: Taking a close look now, try running just
pkg_add -r freetype
(or freetype2
The pkg_add command usually looks up on the server for the latest version and automatically downloads it. Putting the version number in will mess it up because it might think that that is part of the name of the application and not the version number.

If it still can't download, following the instructions above.
Download the package from the Freebsd ports website
Then you can install it in the directory you downloaded it to
pkg_add freetype_version.tgz
using the full filename.
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Thank you very much, that's done now. But now I don't understand how to install it. In de directory /var/db/pkg/freetype2-2.1.5_1 there are the following files:


How can I install it so PHP can use the FreeType Library?

Thanks in advance!!

Just download the package
fetch [url][/url]
then install it with pkg_add
pkg_add freetype2-2.1.7_3.tgz

Then see if it was installed using pkg_info
Thank you very much, it is installed now :)

But now, next problem :( A customer is complaining because it don't works with PHP. Do I have to install it apart vor PHP? How can I do that?
Cyberboy said:

Don't have time at the moment, but you could try reading the PHP manual.
Recompile with --with-freetype=[dir] or something...
Don't know without my usual docs...
Otherwise, check out (remove the space :D)