Fresh install, yum, mysql not working


New member
Jan 12, 2007
Hello, I just leased a DirectAdmin box at vrtservers (terrible service, by the way), my problem is yum is not working, it times out, even though I have double checked yum.conf which is a clon of another conf file I have running with no issues in another Centos 4.4 box, also Mysql does not work, directadmin reports it is running (a restart option would be handy) but I keep receiving the following message:
Error connecting to MySQL: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
whenever I try to create a db, I reckoned that´s a path issue and I tried to find my.conf which should be in /etc/ but it does not exist, as far as I understand, maybe I am wrong directadmin runs on a separate copy of MySQL. I have been reading there´s some directadmin propietary utility called customapache but I have not managed to find proper information about its usage, the documentation is very scarce.
Could anyone point me in the right direction to solve all my issues?
Also, Can I install or reisntall MySql from source with no issues??

Thank you for your time and please forgive my manners but I´m still a bit pissed off because of the folks at vrt.
That's the weirdest thing, apparently there was a copy of mysql running, that's the reason why I thought directadmin uses its own mysql instance, anyway, what I did was stopping directadmin, installed a new MySQL copy and restarted directadmin, and it worked, I suppose I did not even need to install a new copy but I can't tell for sure. But I wasted my time and money since I'am moving out of vrtservers since the server has been down for two days now and vrtservers people do not reply to my emails. I have to consider I invested my money to find out this company is not reliable, luckily there was nothing running on this server yet.
Thank you for your reply.