Front Page Extensions


Verified User
May 10, 2008
I am selling a website, and the buyer is requesting that the pages have Front Page Extensions. I have no idea where to even begin

Any good tutorials out there?
Do you own your own DirectAdmin server? If not, then you should ask your hosting company.

If so, then you should read here before going further and before deciding whether or not you want to support FrontPage Extensions. In short, it's been marked End-of-Life by Microsoft for over two years.

That said, my recollection is that if you install DirectAdmin with CustomApache it supports FrontPage Extensions but that if you use CustomBuild it doesn't. I could be wrong, though; hopefully others will write here, or you can search the forums.

That all said, you can install FrontPage Extensions on your server using CustomApache; search these forums for more information.

Are you looking for software you can use yourself to write a site or do a site design using FrontPage? If so you may be out of luck; It's closed-source commercial software that Microsoft has discontinued some time ago.

There should be lots of books on FrontPage still available in bookstores, and of course google will help you find lots of help and documentation on the 'net.

If the buyer is not hosting on your server then its not your responsibility.

Using Custombuild and Apache 2 you cannot use FPE.

No point in me repeating what Jeff said above.

However the FrontPage client can be used for as long as a user wants to use it. It is still a good web design tool. But pages will have to be published via the builtin ftp. Pages cannot be published via http and none of the functions that require the extensions will work.

Obviously you have not used FPE before so none are required now at the time of sale. The buyer does not need FPE as the site is now. He would need FPE if he wanted to change the site to include functions that required FPE. Those functions should never be used now since there have not been any security updates.