Frontpage Security Violation


Verified User
Aug 5, 2004
Anybody know why I would be running into this while connecting to a Frontpage web? :

Server error: FrontPage security violation.

The extensions seem to enable and disable without error.

When I try to connect directly to the users Frontpage Admin panel I get basically the same thing:

msg=FrontPage security violation.

Looks like the error_log reports this:
FrontPage SUID Error: target directory not found or insecure

Sure would like to get this one fixed. We have alot of FP customers which will be very unhappy if it doesn't work for them.

Big Wil
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Cancel any urgency.... this post is now archive food. Problem is fixed.

cd /usr/local/directadmin
./build mod_frontpage
./build frontpage_ext

Worked like a charm.

Big Wil
Well I'm having this same problem. And the solution that you have doesn't work for me.

I'm running FreeBSD 4.10 with DA 1.23.5

The error.log shows this.

2005:04:06-17:21:22: FrontPage: removing /home/shubert1/domains/

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baahhhh.. ok after trying the above I thought oh wait maybe Apache needs to be restarted so I try this

host1# apachectl restart

and I got this...
host1# apachectl restart
/usr/sbin/apachectl restart: httpd not running, trying to start
Syntax error on line 97 of /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:
module frontpage_module is built-in and can't be loaded
/usr/sbin/apachectl restart: httpd could not be started

So now I have no web service. help please.
Apache is compiled with Frontpage built in, therefore the mod_frontpage module should only need to be added, it doesn't have to be loaded as well.

This is all you should have in your httpd.conf file other than the configuration directives.

"AddModule mod_frontpage.c"
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