FTP account for diradmin?


Verified User
Apr 27, 2009
I need to be able to log on my DA box using FTP as user "diradmin", but my admin accounts password is not accepted when I set this FTP account up.

Question: Does it not exist any default FTP account for user "diradmin"

Usually I just log on SFTP as user "root", but I want to log on as user "diradmin" so that new files I upload is owned by the user "diradmin" and not "root" (I don't want to manually have to change the owner of the files each time afterwards).

Any thoughts or information about this? I have searched the forum, both using the forum search, and Google, and also searched the knowledge pages, but I don't find any relevant information about the user "diradmin"
By default diradmin doesn't have a password. Did you create a password for it?

No, I did not create a password for "diradmin". Should I then? All I want is to be able to upload new files to my custom DirectAdmin skin using FTP or SFTP, and that this (S)FTP account should log in as "diradmin" user, so that I don't have to change/reset the owner/group for the new files I upload to my custom skin.
In general we don't set passwords for users which shouldn't need to ever login; it's simply a security issue. If you absolutely need to log in as user diradmin, then yes, create a password for the user. Make sure it's complex and not easy to guess; everyone knows that diradmin is a user on every DirectAdmin-managed server; it could become a vector for breakin attempts.

And remember that ftp is insecure as the password is sent in cleartext.
