ftp and mysq can't be set up


Verified User
Mar 2, 2010

they say in the features: http://www.directadmin.com/features.html

FTP Menu. Users can create FTP accounts and set directory permissions for each account. Anonymous FTP is also supported.

MySQL Databases. Users can easily create, modify, and delete MySQL databases from this menu.

Why is it not there? Why is it that I can not find any of these options in for any user?, admin, reseller, or user?

Please tell me this.

I just want to be able to upload files through a ftp client and set up databases, why is it so hard to find that???
Those features are there for Users after adding a domain.

If you don't see the ability to create ftp records or mysql databases you need to check with your hosting company; these are configurable by the server administrator.


Yes, Like floys said. I made domains and then i can make ftp accounts, i thought admin wwithout a domain could also go ftp.

Admin administers the server, resellers, and users.

Reseller manages users.

Users manages domains.

Admin and resellers also have a User Level where they can add and manage domains.

http://www.site-helper.com Even though it is outdated it still provides a good outline of DirectAdmin.

I needed to reinstall my os, had some problems,

Now i have installed DA again.

My question is. I have a domain www.domain.com but this domain works now under another server. I don't want to point this name now to the new server, instead I would like to test first. So in my hostfile i set this domain name to go to my new server's ip adres,

is this the best way?

I have no idea anymore how to add a domain and a seperate user, im still a newbie sorry