FTP backup on user level


Verified User
Aug 10, 2008
on cpanel system.user can backup and trasnfer it via ftp to other server.and its important for users to protect their backup and data.
but user level on directadmin cant ftp backup


At this time, it's not available as a feature in DA for Users to be able to ftp their backups using DA... nor are cron backups an option.

However, this might be a good feature for a plugin, or even a very simple cronjob without a plugin.

If you check:

A basic script like that can be used by Users to use /usr/bin/ncftpput to upload data when and where they want to. If that method is used, I'd recommend also using the -f option with ncftpput to use a config file, chmod to 600, instead of passing the user/pass via command line.

on cpanel system.user can backup and trasnfer it via ftp to other server.and its important for users to protect their backup and data.
but user level on directadmin cant ftp backup


this sounds like a good idea and a bad idea.

In general , as a user you would like to create daily backups - right
and as an admin you also would like to give your users access for automated backups.

BUT , and a big BUT - sometimes backups might hog up your server memory / cpu ( try to dump 1.5gb sql db and run top ).

if you grant access to end users to preform their own backups, they might set it to the time of day when your server is most used ( internet rush hour ).
also, multiple users setting backups at the same time to run - that could Kill your machine.
more from that, say that you run on a VPS - with lets say 512 of ram, and a small slice of the CPU , that's the right way to get your server killed.

Backups are best to run at night, even 4:02 is a great time to run them.

I don't think I would like some user running a backup at 8PM everyday, just when my servers hit the highest traffic / hits - I would like the clients to enjoy the server power at that time. - and it is very powerful.

great live example:
I have a client with a dedicated server, which instead of working on his site code/sql at night / early morning , he works at rush hour -- guess what ? he lost loads of hits to his sites on his machine.

too bad for him - but we can learn from it.

that's my point of view as an admin.