FTP error 550 permission denied

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Verified User
Jan 27, 2009
can 'admin' user upload files on the server ? I am new to DA and not sure about this. I have logged in FTP as admin and tried to upload some normal files and getting 550 Permission denied error. I can simply upload files through non-admin users.
Are you trying to upload to a folder where the admin user has privledges?
I have logged in as admin and I am uploading in /domains/anydomain.com/public_html
yes, i cannot upload files to any domain owned by admin user. Do you know what are the proper permissions for users in DA server?

thank you for the help
YOu should check via ssh what the permissions of the folder are. Mainly who the folder is owned by. I wouldnt see why the admin user wouldnt have access if the domain is his.
I am in the server,

I have checked this in /home/admin/ , here are the permissions

[root@server home]# ls -ld admin
drwx--x--x 17 admin admin 4096 Jan 23 02:50 admin
[root@server home]# ls -ld admin/domains/
drwx--x--x 135 admin admin 4096 Nov 27 16:18 admin/domains/

and permissions for all domains under admin/domains/ are 711 admin.admin

[root@server home]# ls -ld admin/domains/domain.com
drwx--x--x 8 admin admin 4096 Aug 18 2007 admin/domains/domain.com

[root@server home]# ls -ld admin/domains/domain.com/public_html/
drwxr-xr-x 4 webapps webapps 4096 Apr 27 2006 admin/domains/domain.com/public_html/

All domain's public_html is owned by webapps.webapps and 755, is that proper?
that shouldnt be owned by webapps it should be owned by the user admin

Thank you for your prompt help, I'll check it tomorrow and I will let you know about this..

Yes you are right. Changing owner to admin is the fix..

Thank you very much
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