FTP from terminal


Verified User
Oct 11, 2011

Normally i can run ftp from terminal by:

ftp> open my-ftp-location

However, when i type "ftp" i get:
ftp: command not found

A quick search gives me:
s01:~# find / -name ftp

My next step would normally have been to "sudo apt-get install ftp". Can i do this without breaking any FTP DA-stuff?
i have similar issue , i need to mget some backup files using ftp,but when i try ftp i get message :-
-bash: ftp: command not found
yum install ftp yields :-
No package ftp available.
Error: Nothing to do

any solution ?
First of make sure, you've got it installed

# rpm -qa | grep ^ftp

If yes, try to find it:

which ftp
rpm -qa | grep ^ftp
command yields nothing

as stated above
yum install ftp yields :-
No package ftp available.
Error: Nothing to do

ftp is working using filezilla, just from ssh its not working.
Then it seems as if you have no ftp installed there, and it has nothing to do with filezilla. By the way, are you sure you've got CentOS/Redhad like OS as you try to run yum? If so, then try to install ftp from rpm (you should find it first).
I don't recall the specifics but in general there are a lot of programs no longer in official Red Hat repositories, therefore no longer copied into CentOS repositories.

I have FTP client installed at Centos 5, it's still in there.

But take a look at /etc/yum.conf because possibly you have a line in there like this:
exclude=apache* httpd* mod_* mysql* MySQL* da_* *ftp* exim* sendmail* php* bind-chroot* named*

If so, disable this line temporarily, because it will prevent from ftp being installed by yum.
Install ftp by using "yum install ftp" and then activate the line again.
Or install ftp client from an RPM.