FTP issue | Not connection could be made


Verified User
Jan 17, 2022
We use one primary ipv4 from dedicated server with free ipv4 address for created VPS's with different ports.

Everything working correct, but is only problem with FTP
I add port 21 in domain forwarding and I can login to ftp, but not possible get directories.

Below is issue:

You're using a home ip range, so that is NAT.
In this case, only forwarding port 21 is not enough because you need passive FTP to get a connection.

Directadmin uses portrange 35000:35999 for passive FTP. You need to forward that range too.
Hello @Richard G

Thanks for the clarification! Please see what I do:

First I allowed this range ports:
HAProxy Allowed Ports for HTTP(S) and TCP 35000-35999

But the problem is, I cannot add portrange 35000:35999 or 35000-35999 id domain forwarding.

I can use one port per one forwarding. Example;

14 (vmi50rr.rxxxxxx.net)localhostTCP65.xx.xx.xxx3500010.0.0.1235000
15 (vmi50rr.xxxxxx.net)localhostTCP65.xx.xx.xxx3500110.0.0.1235001

and the range is very hight, and im not sure how to resolve now?
But the problem is, I cannot add portrange 35000:35999 or 35000-35999 id domain forwarding.
I never work with HAProxy.

But I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I was thinking from Directadmin, but that ip is not using Directadmin right?

In that case, you have to configure 2 things. The FTP server running on must be configured to accept PASV (passive) FTP connections.
You have to setup a port range for that too, but it does not need to be 1000 ports.
Try setting up your FTP server with pasv port range and for example use the port range 35000-3510. That's easier to forward.

If that's not enough, add to 20 ports.

If you -are- using DA at home, then you should open the correct portrange 35000-35999 with CSF/LFD. I have no clue on how that works in HAProxy.
However, it can be done. I found this for you on the internet.
@Richard G
Thank you for your tip. Base on your hint, I also found this:

What I do:
I change portrange in:

PassivePorts 49152 49171

Then I restart proftpd

Now I add this range ports 49152 49171 step by step in domain forwarding.

Now I try connect from ftp client but still the same.

Here I see one more thing:
On ipchains, we add these lines to /etc/sysconfig/ipchains:

# hole in firewall to allow passive ftp
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49152 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49153 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49154 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49155 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49156 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49157 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49158 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49159 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49160 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49161 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49162 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49163 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49164 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49165 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49166 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49167 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49168 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49169 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49170 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT
-A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 49171 -p tcp -y -j ACCEPT

and then restart ipchains.

But im not sure where I should put this:
[root@vmi50rr ~]# cd /etc/sysconfig
[root@vmi50rr sysconfig]# ls
anaconda ebtables-config kdump network-scripts run-parts
authconfig garb kernel rdisc saslauthd
cbq grub man-db readonly-root selinux
chronyd init modules rpcbind sshd
console ip6tables-config named rpc-rquotad wpa_supplicant
cpupower iptables-config netconsole rsyncd
crond irqbalance network rsyslog
and then restart ipchains.
You mean restart iptables?

Check also this: iptables-config
this can contain certain default lines when rebooting the vps.

Also be sure port 20 can be opened outgoing at least.

You might need to configure your proftpd to listen to all ports and to the external ip too. Because now it says it try's to connect to an unroutable address, so there is still something wrong in the FTP setup.
@Richard G

Please see, currently I alowed port range in firewall 49152:49171

Now the next:
You might need to configure your proftpd to listen to all ports and to the external ip too. Because now it says it try's to connect to an unroutable address, so there is still something wrong in the FTP setup.

I found somelike this:

There is somelike this:
Edit to show conf options (requested in comments)

External (/etc/vsftpd.conf):

pasv_address=x.x.x.x # External IP - port forwarded from FW to this machine

So I check simmilar to and in our case edit:

But im not sure this is correct way. Can you please give me any tip how to use ?
@Richard G
im really thank you for your time.
I thought it would be easier. But unfortunately it looks terrible.

PassivePorts 49152 49171 # These ports should be safe... done

incomming / outgoing 49152:49171
restart firewall done

Now in:
/etc/proftpd.conf I add my internet address IP
MasqueradeAddress # using an IP address

Then restart proftpd

I see this changes applied because the operating mode changed while trying to connect.

But it prints, connection correct etc, and by end return: port failed and no dispalyed directories.

I don't know what's wrong with it anymore
As for my time, you're welcome, I like a nice challenge once a while. :)

Normally it shouldn't be that difficult.

Let's take it from the beginning and see what we might have missed.
What exactly are you running on that ip address. Is that also a DA server or vps?
Ok let me explain.

I've dedicated server. Im using https://www.virtualizor.com/
I created bridge with free IPv4 / KVM virtualization
- all working

Now I create VPS, then I assign free IPv4
- nothing work yet.

I add hostname: vmi50rr.myserver1.net

(myserver1.net) is registered domain which point to Primary dedicated server IPv4

Now I point vim263cc.myserver1.net to with TCP port 5023 to destination port 22

Now I can login to VPS SSH with:
primary ipv4 with port 5023

Then I install directadmin and build all d with custom build 2.0

directadmin, phpmyadmin, roundcube not working yet.

I need point to:
14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net)localhostHTTPvmi50rr.myserver1.net222210.0.0.122222

Directadmin working

14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net)localhostHTTPvmi50rr.myserver1.net8010.0.0.1280

Now Working phpmyadmin, roundcube etc.

Then I point domain to primary ipv4 and add domain forwarding:
14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net)localhostHTTPSmywebdomain.com44310.0.0.12443
Domain pointing working correct

This port I add for working inbox email:
14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net)localhostTCPPRMARY IPV42510.0.0.1225
- working

Now I try resolve FTP connection:
First I open/forward this main port 21:
14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net)localhostTCPPRMARY IPV42110.0.0.1221

then I add rest this passive connection ports:
22 14 (vmi50rr.flexlyserver.net) localhost TCP 49152 49152

23 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49153 49153

24 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49154 49154

25 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49155 49155

26 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49156 49156

27 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49157 49157

28 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49158 49158

29 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49159 49159

30 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49160 49160

31 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49161 49161

32 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49162 49162

33 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49163 49163

34 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49164 49164

35 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49165 49165

36 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49166 49166

37 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49167 49167

38 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49168 49168

39 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49169 49169

40 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49170 49170

41 14 (vmi50rr.myserver1.net) localhost TCP PRIMARY IPV4 49171 49171

Then I've edit: /etc/proftpd.conf
then change to: PassivePorts 49152 49171
and also add to this file:
MasqueradeAddress # using an IP address
... and with this I little stop here. I try 3 methods but im not sure here.
Which address I should add here?
I try my internet local IP :D, also this, and also try this ftp.vmi50rr.myserver1.net or vmi50rr.myserver1.net

by end:
incomming / outgoing added port in firewall 49152:49171
restart firewall done
restart proftpd done
I try my internet local IP :D, also this,
No, you have to make a difference here. A internet local ip does not exists. It's either an internet ip (so WAN) or a local ip (LAN).
Your is your local ip so your LAN ip.
You have to fill in your internet IP which you get from your provider, so your WAN ip at that MasqueradeAddress line.

You can't use the vmi50rr.myserver1.net or ftp.vmi50rr.myserver1.net because unless this is a masked domain, that can not be resolved from the internet so there is no A record for either.
If I do an nslookup on vmi50rr.myserver1.net then I don't get any result.

So you installed Directadmin on your You might need to remove the 35000:35999 from your firewall.

If port 22 works like you did it, then in fact there is no reason why FTP shouldn't work. When you use the correct ip address in that Masquerade line.

To be sure, also create a port 20 incoming and outgoing via tcp.

If it still goes wrong, which error exactly does it say now? Or can anything be seen form the proftpd logfile?