generate CSR


Verified User
Dec 19, 2008

I have problem to create CSR, for SSL.

I have a reseller "admin" with a new IP
I add from reseller IP to my user "VVVV"
(so now user has main IP + new IP)

When I click on SSL, I have this message :
You can only add a certificate if you own the ip you are using

I read a lot of post, but I think all is done.

I see on this page : /CMD_IP_CONFIG
IP = new.IP.just.added
Status = owned
User(s) = VVVV

Thanks for your help
When you type the new ip in the browser do you get the web site?
Thanks for your help.

NO :
This account has been suspended.
Either the domain has been overused, or the reseller ran out of resources.

And the only one domain with this IP is not suspended.

The domain has 2 IP
- main IP from server
- this new IP
I'm not sure, but shouldnt you change the IP instead of adding it? If I remember correctly, when changing a users IP it says its rewriting configs and stuff for that user, while adding it doesn't.
Yes, I have to change, the main IP of the user.
Perfect, thanks for your help.