Generating reports, user overviews


Verified User
Aug 14, 2008

I was wondering if there's a script/plugin/addon ect. that allows me to generate an overview of what options are enabled on which user.
so that i can see who, for exaple, has SA enabled.
with, if possible, the option to export this report to excel or pdf.
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no, it's to check who has what enabled.
if it's al together in an overview its easier to pick out those user accounts,
now I have to check every user account 1 by 1. it can be done, but takes a lot of time.

Do you really expect me to believe you didn't know the poster was simply misspelling the word report?


No, DirectAdmin doesn't do that kind of reporting.


Give me a beat. So i can flow ;)
Well, pity that there isn't a tool.
Is this something i can put on a wishlist, or must i develop it myself.
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If you have a good administration you know which packages you have and what for package a user has. I don't understand why you need something like this..
The thing is...

The thing is, by default we had SpamAssassin enabled,
leaving it to the customer whether to use it or not.
so its hard to say who has it enabled and who hasnt.

Now we want to shut it down as it is causing to much stress on the server,
also because we have a way thats way more effective to stop spam,
without stressing the server.


Ok so DA doesnt do such reporting.
Still, is it possible to create anyting for DA that allows me to do so?
or am I asking for the impossible here :confused:


I did misspell report. The way I spelled it, is how you spell it in Dutch.
anyway, I corrected this for you ;)