Get out of /home?


Verified User
Nov 23, 2008
Is it possible to change a setting somewhere so just the admin account can get out of the /home directory in scripts and such (specifically PHP)?
Linux and Unix security are enforced by the kernel. You can make a simple settings change to allow admin to run as root. Since doing so is incredibly dangerous to your server I won't recommend it.

Nor will I tell you how to do it, because if you search for yourself on how to give the admin user root privileges hopefully you'll also find many discourses on just how unwise it is :D

By writing the use of sudo into scripts you can probably create your own scripts to do what you want as admin; I don't recommend this either, as I think it's quite insecure as well.

What do you want to do outside the /home directory?
Some settings for a game are stored outside /home and I wanted to build an editor to modify them easier.
perhaps that could be solved by running
./configure --prefix=/usr/home/USER/game
to install all nececary files to a destination local to the user running it?