getting phpm file


Verified User
Feb 3, 2005
Hello, all

I would like to know if it is possible (somehow) to get a php file
from a server (website ..index.php). Why ? I have seen a website on Google wich probaly is using UA-cloacking and I would very much like to see their script..

Greetings Bull
There isn't a way you can view the source of a PHP file that is executed and parsed on the server.
bull, about the only thing you can do (short of searching google for the source) is ask the owners if they are willing to share the source with you.
I don't completly agree here, because sending a bot could do the trick isn't it ?..

I thought maybey someone could help me with that, the internet is filled with thos things. I see a zillion of these things coming by in my logs every day.

And I know of bots searching for example email adresse ect...

So you don't have to say I can't be done because you think I'm not aware of these things...

A script would be more of a help actually anf if php is not the right language to use here. I would know a little more to

But thanks for your replies so far anyway
As GXX said, php is parsed server-side. No php gets to the users browser unless the server is misconfigured.
A bot would not do the trick because they are handled by the same security measures as any other of that particular users files. What your suggesting is hacking the server and that is punishable. (In most countries).

Have you tried searching google for "php ua-cloaking"? I get several examples for php.
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You're right, thinking about it (and reading), the php file is also
Parsed when requested by a bot..

Hacking servers ...I Won't do that but my interrest is awakened
is this technically possible ?(sorry i just don't know about this ).

Maybe you will think why should I tell him about this ?.Well I could give you a reason, but its not about cloaking Ggle. But in my logs I've recently had some bots that acted less friendly.
Ignoring robots.txt, header info reqeustst, files that wheren't even linked to my index.php or other files whit links where requested..

When does one know its a hacking thing anyway ??.

Well thank for your replies, and you where right so far, so lets go on this way ..

Greetings Bull