Getting strange (way too high) load


Verified User
Sep 15, 2003
The Netherlands
For some time now, I've been having issues with one of our servers.
It seems like the MailScanner system is causing a 'over'load...

I've put some pictures online so you can see what I mean:
To get a good look at what I mean, check out the daily load avarage graph...

The MailScanner 'running processes' statistic:

The Exim 'running processes' statistic:

The CPU usage:

The traffic usage (big peaks are backups):

The daily load avarage:

And the last one, the monthly load avarage, which show some kind of recurring problem to the overload:

I've inspected the incomming MTA (Exim) logs (the mailscanner config allows for 2 exim daemons to run).
Furthermore I am unable to find a place where to look next :(.

Does any of you perhaps have an idea ?
I'm kinda out of idea's. Something tells me it's the MailScanner daemon, but it could also be something else. The standard load avarage for this server on a normal day is about 0.50...
Seems normal to me...
You could always disable Mailscanner and see if that makes a difference I guess.
But why does it happen on that specific day every time ?
I am currently thinking about trying to make a NFS share between servers and have mailscanner run on a different server, or just take the entire thing down, and try to get spamblocker running on that server.
(Which won't happen easily because of an outdated OS with dependancy 'problems').

I really hope DA for Debian becomes stable soon, as that's really interesting :)
Icheb said:
But why does it happen on that specific day every time ?

Um, Looks like different days of the week to me. At least for load in the last picture.

Maybe someone's trying to run a couple million spams through your server.

I must admit though I don't like whatever you're using for graphs. Hotsanic has a bit more detail. Do you have a landing page we can look at for all of your graphs instead of just the few you've givin us to look at? We might see something else.


The current version of SpamBlocker (distributed with DA) should work on any server with exim 4.x.

The new version may require a more recent version; I haven't made a final decision yet.
