Getting webalizer to resolve IP addresses


Verified User
Jan 10, 2005
Where do I set it so that webalizer resolves all the IP addresses for people hitting the server?

Everything is "Unresolved/Unknown", and I'd like to see country, host information, etc... :)
Hello we did follow the instructions on
We did make the file /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/custom/webalizer.conf and in that file:
DNSCache /var/cache/|DOMAIN|.dns_cache.db
DNSChildren 10

but still no country stats.
We have fedora core 2
Are the statistics updating as usual however?
Are any errors generated when you attempt to execute webalizer directly from the command line instead of going through DirectAdmin?
Yes the statistics are updating as usual. We didn't execute webalizer from the command line. Wich commando do i have to use to test it?
Thanks for help!
Just execute it like any other binary in linux or FreeBSD.

cd into the directory (usually /usr/bin)
and ./webalizer
I have the same problem as koos. Like him, I've also done the suggestions on the URL given ( The country/host statistic still shows Unresoved/Unknowned (100%)

Running webalizer from the command line does not give any error.

Do I need to compile webalizer with reverse DNS lookups?
I did
cd /usr/bin
Webalizer V2.01-10 (Linux 2.6.10-1.771_FC2smp) English
Using logfile STDIN (clf)
Creating output in current directory
Hostname for reports is '**.**.**'
History file not found...
Is it a must to let Apache to resolve domain in the log files? I understand this could potentially make the webserver slower.

Is there a way to let webalizer to do this work instead? I tried the above method but no luck.
From the Webalizer FAQ

7a. Why does the country section show only 100% unresolved?

Most likely because your web server is not doing name lookups and simply logging IP addresses. In order to determine the top level domain of the remote host, the program needs a resolved hostname, not an IP address. The simple fix is to just turn on name lookups on your web server so it starts logging names. Otherwise, you can pre-process your logs with something like the logresolve program supplied with apache or similar utilities, or you can use the Webalizers built in DNS lookup code (see 7b below).

7b. My Server doesn't do name lookups. Will The Webalizer?

Yes. Version 2.00 and higher supports reverse DNS support. See the DNS.README file for additional information. If you don't enable hostname lookups on your web server, you will get '100% Unresolved/Unknown' country totals. This is because your log files only have IP addresses and not names. While it is recommended that you let your web server handle the DNS lookups, DNS support can be used for those sites where DNS resolution is not an option.
It is still not working....
I dont want set hostnames in apache because a high serverload...

In addition to recompiling webalizer I believe you have to set a configuration option.

I'd suggest checking on a webalizer forum, since none of us here appear to know the answer.


That's just not true. There are lots of reasons you wouldn't want to have apache do the lookups in realtime, since it slows down every access.

That may not bother you, but other people may need all the response they can get.

GXX said:
Then you'll have to live without seeing countries. I read what you wrote, I'm just telling to enable it. Server load is minimal, unless you're running some junk server.

idd jlasman.
Gxx: it has nothing to do with junk server but the amount of requests you're receiving which is quite a lot in my case so i'm looking for a good solution.

jlasman: i was wondering if there's a special way to fix this via da, etc (like you update apache 1.3.34 > 2.0.55 via some .sh script)