Good old times on DA forums

SEO Guru

Verified User
Feb 14, 2013
I have been using Directadmin since 2006 or so. Been lurking the forums a lot.

Was just thinking about some names used to be around here and help (for free).


I probably forgot a few names. Most of them are not found here anymore or at least not an a frequent basis.

Richard G is still active here which is nice to see.

I just miss the old days. DirectAdmin and its community have always been great.

Love <3
Unfortunately nobaloney passed away several years ago. :cry:
Zeiter is still present, he is moderator, but probably busy, not as much online as in the older days.
Smtalk is now team member and more busy in the background with developping and stuff. But has a quick look several days a week.
sellerone is present but might have shifted his interests to something else, not sure.

I can agree with you, I miss those old times too.

We got new flesh. Which is fln who is lead developer, he's often on the forums.
I'm here since 2013 and I learned so much during that time thanks to this forum. I also solved many problems. Thanks to all of you for giving so much care and concern during this period of time. True, those were the good old days. However, few places never change, even after all these years. So they are providing the same quality, and DA is one of them.
Miss those days as well, loved how it almost felt like an Open Source project where John & Mark were closely watching the forum and listening to our input, bug reports and contributions.
I did not realize so much time passed until the recent)))
Really happy to see the forums are still online and you, guys, active here))) Messengers and video-guides did not replace the boards)))
You people reminded me YouHosting forum days, we used to check it daily for new updates and help others but Hostinger decided to to shut it down few years back for no reason. I am still in touch with few of them like Alexander (HostUs), Fran (InterNxt) and sometimes also hear about Hans (InfinityFree)

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