Good webmail program


New member
Feb 27, 2006
I currently use the default webmail programs (UebiMiau and Squirrelmail).

I don`t like both of them very much. Squirrelmail doesn`t look very good and UebiMiau has its "difficulties" like the long time to login if you have a lot of mails in your inbox.

Are there any other good webmail programs which work with DA?

Thanks in advance!
webmail that is using IMAP should work fine
i have tried Horde, Roundcube Mail, and HastyMail
and Horde is the best and feature rich one
RC is the most beautiful one, but still in beta
and hasty....none of the user use it :eek:
we are using dwMail from dominion-web. for the money, it is hard to beat. Just have to make a small change in the DA panel to point to your install of dwMail. Link to dwMail
It looks interesting. Is it a true IMAP system, using the IMAP folders on your server? From their website, it doesn't look like it; it appears to download your mail and store it within it's own file system.

Also, is it licensed for multiple domain use on one server?

After I get your response I may decide to look at it.

imap or pop support.

login with squirrelmail, login with dwmail. it is all the same.

it can run in three different modes. single domain, multidomain (server centric) or multidomain (anywhere)...similar to emumail functionality

Have you a license you can direct me to? Or should I call or otherwise contact them for license issues?

Or do you not want to go there, since they don't publish a license on their site?

their site has the information you are looking for. Their 10 Reasons
I am only a happy customer of the product. I think they are better equipped to answer your questions :)
How has the development been on this? Are you still using it? Does it run fast. The demo is slow.
How has the development been on this? Are you still using it? Does it run fast. The demo is slow.

no problems with me and customers are not saying anything negative.

we have everything configured via IMAP and run dovecot.
It is far more full featured then roundcube and I know there support is good, unlike nutsmail who are horrible.
imap or pop support.

login with squirrelmail, login with dwmail. it is all the same.
So you're saying if I log in with dwmail today and create a folder, it'll be there the next time I log in with Squirrelmail?

Replying to myself... I tried it.

I can create the folder in dwmail using the test system.

It does get created on my system.

However squirrelmail doesn't find it.


no problems with me and customers are not saying anything negative.

we have everything configured via IMAP and run dovecot.

Does your expand/collapse function work? It doesn't on my install. Can you setup a test email account for me? I have support to not be so helpful lately.
quite a while back, we noticed this same issue with people creating folders in squirrelmail and then they did not show up in dwmail.
I think it has to do with how squirrelmail creates the folder because we don't seem to have this issue with any other app. I can create folders all day long in Outlook/Outlook Express and they show up in dwMail fine.

Not sure what the correct answer is. For us, we have only 1 person that uses squirrel. The rest use dw...

Replying to myself... I tried it.

I can create the folder in dwmail using the test system.

It does get created on my system.

However squirrelmail doesn't find it.


Any further words on DWmail? It looks pretty cool, but I coudn't figure out how to login to their demo (no password specified???) Maybe I'm just dumb?? could be... :D
I have mixed feelings. It seems a bit slow. Also I have had some small problems that support does not seem too interested in helping me resolve. They say they can't replicate it but are looking into it. I know several others that have the same problem.
Horde as always interested me. But it's a complex set of problem^H^H^H^Hgrams :) .

So we've never tried to manage it on DirectAdmin servers.

Anyone have good experience with it?
