Google Mod Page Speed


Verified User
Mar 21, 2012
Its my world, you all just live here
So has anyone successfully installed Google Mod Page Speed with Direct Admin?

I've been doing some reading on this and obviously need to build it from source as the .deb packages will attempt to install Debian's own version of Apache2 (something you need to avoid as Direct Admin already does Apache).

I'm wondering if the default guide provided by Google with their default paths is correct for Direct Admin or not?
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The answer to my question is, YES.

Building it from source will work with Direct Admin.
I'm using custom build 2 and have Apache 2.4.3 with PHP 5.4 php-fpm (I also have php 5.5 for developing and testing).

(Will also try to install Varnish along side it and report back later)
The answer to my question is, YES.

Building it from source will work with Direct Admin.
I'm using custom build 2 and have Apache 2.4.3 with PHP 5.4 php-fpm (I also have php 5.5 for developing and testing).

(Will also try to install Varnish along side it and report back later)

Yes, Varnish works too. Was able to use the normal .deb package to much my surprise.
It is really quite interesting, You posted a problem and also giving us the solution, btw it is helpful for me as well other users those are facing same problem of Google Mod Page Speed installation. Thanks to share your knowledge with us :)