GPG keyring does not contain redhat..


Verified User
Mar 31, 2005

I've just setup a server with directadmin and wanted to get imap running as it doesnt appear to be going. I've gone through the forum and looks like i need to install xinetd. Well i try to but i get:

Your GPG keyring does not contain the Red Hat, Inc. public key.
Without it, you will be unable to verify that packages Update Agent downloads
are securely signed by Red Hat.

Your Update Agent options specify that you want to use GPG.

To install the key, run the following as root:

rpm --import /usr/share/rhn/RPM-GPG-KEY
Now i've run that command (several times) and i can see the keys, so im not sure whats wrong. Do i need to add the key to the keyring? How do i do that.

Thanks in advanced!.
What OS are you using?

Who set up your server?

It appears that you may be trying to connect to a RedHat service but do not have RedHat entitlement.

Im running Redhat fedora core, 7.3 i think.. The server is with ozservers. I just discovered the --nosig option which skips the gpg and allowed me to install.