GUI on server ?


Verified User
Sep 28, 2011

Do you using GUI (gnome, kde , etc..) on yours server ? Currently I have Debian 11 + latest DA, and I wonder is it good idea to install GUI on server.
Ofcourse it's helpful during work.. but how about stability linux + DA... What is your expiernence with that ?
and I wonder is it good idea to install GUI on server.
I don't think any professional hoster is using a GUI on a shared hosting server. Bad idea.

I wouldn't even know what use that would have, because the hosting panel already has a GUI.
Next to that, if you would install a GUI like Gnome or KDE etc. this would use usefull resources which could else be used for the server. Especially for shared hosting, it's good to keep as much resources for the hosting and the customers as possible.

Might even be bad for stability.

Ofcourse it's helpful during work..
What kind of work are you thinking on when you are thinking about for example KDE on a shared hosting server?
And why should you would think about that, instead of using a small cheap workstation or laptop to do your work with?
GUI will make your server slowest than non-gui. As you know, DA have too many service installed in the server.

Example : mysql is one of the service that sometime usually use too much CPU, RAM, Disk IO.

so it bad idea to installed GUI desktop on Directadmin server.
Yeah, negative on a gui. You're just consuming resources that could be used by the server.